Monday, February 24, 2014

This Is Not Home.

The first few weeks here as I soaked in all of the breathtaking landscape of New Zealand, I was like a broken record saying "I can't believe we live here... Guys this is home now.  This is home."

And while it remains that the beauty still astounds me, I've realized something: This is not home.  Home is in Minnesota where it gets icy cold in the winter and I go into the ditch every year and kids go to school on snowmobiles and snowstorms make kids inattentive in school waiting for an early out.  Home is where the summers are staying out until unreasonable times at Lengby Lake after we all get off of work.  Home is going upstairs to tell my parents how my day was after I got home late from work.  Home is cuddling with Anthrax on the kitchen floor.  Home is fighting with Jonathan about the dumbest things.  Home is staying up until 3 in the morning on school nights because I didn't start my homework early enough.  Home is bonfires in the summer.  Home is where my family is and my lifetime friends.  Home is these guys (and some more than didn't get in this pictures :) )
Home is not New Zealand. 
On a lighter note, this blog post was actually supposed to be about the little differences between NZ and America, so I might as well share that too!
My favorite: shoes are not required here.  That means you can go to the grocery store, to church, basically anywhere without wearing shoes.  It's fantastic.  

Least favorite: wrong side of the road.  When I first got here I could hardly watch out the windshield because it was hard to get used to!  Also, because of this, I've decided not to be trained as a student driver and I miss being able to drive.

Driving: Their driving is just different altogether.  Their roads aren't as straight, but they seem to go faster.  Speeds are in kph instead of mph.  There are roundabouts instead of 4-way stops.  There apparently aren't 4-way stops anywhere!  Kiwis don't know what they are, and we joke that they wouldn't have the patience for them ;)

Lingo:  Sweet as! (and no, it's not complimenting someone's backside ;) )  Rubbish instead of garbage.  Jandels instead of flip flops.  Heaps instead of lots.  Lollies instead of candy.  Sunnies instead of sunglasses.  Togs instead of swimsuits.  Petrol instead of gas. 

Currency:  It's bright and plastic!  Also, they have dollar coins and 2 dollar coins.  Going shopping also comes out more even because their tax is already added into the price(AMERICA SHOULD DO THIS).

No matter how much I was excited to get out of Fosston, Minnesota I realize now how great I had it and how I'll never forget where I came from.  I miss going to town and knowing everybody at the stores I go to.  Here, I just have people asking me about my accent.  To any of you people at home reading this:  I love and miss you all so much.  I think about you all every day!

I promise I'll be more cheery when I write my next post.  :p

I'm still relying that God is in this place and He called me to leave home and come here.  Outreach is in 6 weeks.  Can't wait to minister to Filipinos and watch God work there. 

Hebrews 12: 1-5     "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him."

P.S. I've only had subway once since I've been's more expensive and they don't have 5 dollar footlongs :(  I miss cheap cheap food! 

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